Scientific Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering
The Scientific Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering supports cutting-edge and ethically sustainable scientific research that seeks breakthroughs, novel multidisciplinary research themes and new approaches.
The Scientific Council encourages researchers to engage in scientifically ambitious research, seek new initiatives and take risks, especially where this would result in groundbreaking findings. It also works to promote the development of internationally competitive research environments and researchers, keeping in mind the characteristic strengths of Finnish research as well as the needs of the Finnish research and innovation system.
The Scientific Council also regularly monitors and analyses the impact of its funding decisions and its strategic activities as well as the satisfaction of the researchers it has funded. In addition, it regularly examines the effectiveness of its various funding instruments.
Through an analysis of the state of the field of natural sciences and engineering (sources: Clarivate Analytics Web of Science data, bibliometric calculation CSC 2021; the education administration’s statistics portal Vipunen; applications for Academy Project Funding, Academy Research Fellow Funding and Postdoctoral Researcher Funding submitted to the Scientific Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering, decision years 2012–2022), the Scientific Council has identified five stakeholder messages (in order of priority) for the coming years:
- Finland must ensure a sufficient number of researchers in natural sciences and engineering on career stages I and II (doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers).
- Efforts must be made to increase the proportion of women in natural sciences and engineering, especially on career stage IV (professors and research directors).
- The number of talented students applying to the natural sciences and engineering sector as a primary option must be increased.
- The mobility of PhDs between academia and industry must be promoted, and a sufficient number of doctoral candidates must be ensured in areas of national importance.
- Chemistry research that is of importance to Finland (incl. wood biomass processing) needs to be strengthened.
The research fields of the Scientific Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering are as follows:
- energy technology
- physics
- geosciences and physical geography
- chemistry
- mechanical engineering and manufacturing technology
- medical engineering
- mathematics and statistics
- materials science and engineering
- process and chemical engineering
- construction and municipal engineering, architecture
- electrical engineering and electronics (incl. communications and automation engineering)
- computer sciences, information technology
- astronomy
- biotechnology, bioinformatics and environmental technology related to the above fields
- other research into the natural sciences and engineering, including multidisciplinary research
The funding available to the Scientific Council is not enough to fund all top-rated applications (overall ratings 6 and 5). Therefore, the Scientific Council has outlined a set of policies and criteria that it will systematically apply in making its selection between applications of outstanding scientific quality.
The policies and criteria applied in the winter 2025 call are presented below. Please contact us if you want to access the criteria and policies used in other calls.
Policies and criteria for winter 2025 call
General policies
- The Scientific Council supports in Finland a wide range of responsible natural sciences and engineering research of a high international standard. The specific characteristics of different disciplines, such as research and publishing traditions in the fields of engineering, are taken into account in decision-making. The Scientific Council requires that ethical and dual-use issues and how they are taken into account in the research are described in sufficient detail in the application.
- As a rule, the Scientific Council’s funding decisions are based on review reports.
- The Scientific Council supports scientific renewal by funding new initiatives, such as high-risk, high-gain research, and the development of new methods and tools. It supports researchers who are on a rising career trajectory, grants Academy Project Funding to PIs at different career stages and considers equality and nondiscrimination issues in the case of applications of equal merit. It primarily funds projects where both the PI and the research team mainly work in Finland.
- The Scientific Council supports the utilisation of research results. When making funding decisions, it considers the relevance of the research for business and industry or other societal sectors in Finland. It also considers applicants’ previous merits in the scientific, economic and other utilisation of research as well as their networks with end-users and beneficiaries of research.
- The Scientific Council supports high-quality national and international research cooperation and the researcher mobility therein. The supported collaboration may occur between universities, between universities and research institutes or with business and industry or other societal actors. The support for collaboration is researcher-driven and implemented through the funding of Academy Projects and Academy Research Fellows and through participation in strategically selected international funding calls. Consortium-based Academy Projects that include parties from different research organisations are an important tool for promoting national collaboration.
- The Scientific Council supports research that makes good use of both Finnish and international research infrastructures.
Criteria and policies for Academy Projects
The Scientific Council will use the criteria below (in order of priority) to make its selection between applications of outstanding scientific quality.
Decision criteria (in order of priority):
- Quality of research, new initiatives, breakthrough potential, relevance and feasibility
- Competence of researcher/research team, particularly recent achievements, and research cooperation
- Societal impact of research
The Scientific Council also makes use of general policies when selecting the projects to be funded.
Criteria and policies for Academy Research Fellows
The Scientific Council supports promising researchers with capacity for renewal and independent research. They are on a rising career trajectory and can make significant career progress during the funding period in carrying out scientifically high-quality, high-impact and regenerative research. The Scientific Council pays particular attention to the applicant’s competence and to their merits and collaborative networks in relation to the career stage. The Scientific Council expects Academy Research Fellows to increase their supervision experience and increase their qualifications for academic leadership during the funding period.
As a rule, the decision-making is based on the review reports, with emphasis on the review items in the following order:
- Applicant’s personal competence in relation to the career stage
- Quality of research, novelty value and relevance
- Feasibility and collaborative networks.
The Scientific Council also makes use of general policies when selecting the researchers to be funded.
The Scientific Council accepts reasonable research costs at its discretion. As the purpose of the funding is to promote the academic leadership of the Academy Research Fellows, the Scientific Council will not grant funding to team members at the same or a higher career stage without good cause.
The Scientific Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering 1 Jan 2025–31 Dec 2027
- Professor Kalle-Antti Suominen, University of Turku
- Professor Johan Bobacka, Åbo Akademi University
- Professor Esa Järvenpää, University of Oulu
- Professor Sanna Kaasalainen, National Land Survey of Finland
- Associate Professor Heli Koivuluoto, Tampere University
- Research Director Annakaisa Korja, University of Helsinki
- Professor Ulla Lassi, University of Oulu
- Professor Harri Lipsanen, Aalto University
- Professor Lauri Savioja, Aalto University
- Professor Teemu Turunen-Saaresti, LUT University
- Professor Annele Virtanen, University of Eastern Finland
Both the Research Council and the Scientific Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering actively develop their activities. Feedback from review panels is an important part of this development work, and feedback is collected and analysed annually. The panels also provide valuable feedback to applicants on how applications could be improved from the reviewer’s viewpoint.
The Scientific Council supports high-quality, researcher-initiated international cooperation and researcher mobility through the Academy Project and Academy Research Fellow funding schemes and through participation in strategically selected international joint calls. International cooperation forms a natural part of research in the fields of natural sciences and engineering. The Scientific Council’s international policy follows the Academy of Finland international policy for 2017–2021 (pdf) (particularly sections 1 and 3).
In promoting cooperation, the Scientific Council pays particular attention to the quality and added value of the cooperation. The Scientific Council also promotes international cooperation in the European Research Area, between the Nordic countries and with other international actors.
The Scientific Council monitors the effects and impact of its international activity annually by means of information obtained from research reports, separate studies and meetings with researchers. Read more about the meeting held on 15 November 2022 between the Scientific Council and the principal investigators funded under international joint calls, and see the presentations given at the meeting.
Information on upcoming calls is posted on the Research Council’s’s website and Twitter account.
Calls in which the Scientific Council participated in 2013−2022:
- Academy of Finland-NSF joint call: artificial intelligence and/or wireless communication technologies 2022
- M-ERA-NET 3 2022
- Tandem Forest Values 3 2021
- Solar-driven chemistry 2021/2022 (SDC2)
- ERA PerMed – Personalised Medicine 2021
- List of funded projects
- ERA-NET CoFund QuantERA 2021
List of funded projects - Academy of Finland – NSF joint call pilot: artificial intelligence and wireless communication techno
List of funded projects - Targeted Academy Project 2020: International Co-Investigator Scheme for Finnish-Norwegian research cooperation in engineering
List of funded projects - ERA-NET CoFund CHIST-ERA 2020
List of funded projects - ERA PerMed – Personalised Medicine 2020
List of funded projects - TandemForestValues II 2019
List of funded projects - Solar-driven chemistry 2019
List of funded projects - ERA-NET CoFund CHIST-ERA 2019
List of funded projects - ERA-NET CoFund CHIST-ERA 2018
List of funded projects - ERA-NET CoFund QuantERA 2017
List of funded projects - ICT2023/WiFiUS, Wireless Communications 2016
List of funded projects - ICT2023/WiFiUS, Wireless Communications 2014
List of funded projects - Joint Project Call: Materials Research 2014 (Academy of Finland and FAPESP)
List of funded projects - WoodWisdom-Net+ 2014
List of funded projects
The research, development and innovation programme ICT 2023 is jointly coordinated and funded by the Research Council of Finland and Business Finland with a view to further improving Finland’s scientific expertise in computer science and promoting the extensive application of ICT. The programme is based on the report 21 Paths to a Frictionless Finland (pdf) by the ICT 2015 Working Group At least 10 million euros of the Research Council’s budget authority for 2020 will be used to implement the ICT 2023 programme. Business Finland will not open a parallel call for business-related projects, but funding is available under this topic through BF’s normal application process (see BF’s website). Read more about the ICT 2023 programme.
- Kati Sulonen, Secretary General, tel. +358 295 335 110
Our email addresses are in the format firstname.lastname(at)