ELSA of Neuroscience (2015-)
The Research Council of Finland has participated in ELSA of Neuroscience joint calls (European Research Projects on Ethical, Legal, and Social Aspects (ELSA) of Neuroscience) organised under the ERA-NET NEURON network. The joint calls have been a follow-up to the earlier ERA-SAGE ERA-NET and the subsequent cooperation between funding agencies.
The first call was launched in 2015 and the second in 2017. Read more about the funded projects on the ERA-NEURON website under 2015 Neuroethics (ELSA) and 2017 Neuroethics (ELSA). The Research Council of Finland did not participate in the third call, which opened in 2020.
The purpose of the ELSA of Neuroscience calls has been to promote multinational cooperation projects on ethical, philosophical, legal and sociocultural issues in neuroscience research and its recent development. These include problems raised by neuroscience diagnostics, side effects of psychotherapy on personality changes, and social and cultural changes caused by neuroscience and its applications.