EU-CELAC Platform
The Research Council of Finland participates in the EU-CELAC Platform, a research funding network between European, Latin American and Caribbean countries. The network has been in operation since 2013, originally under the name ERANet-LAC. The aim of the network is to promote cooperation between the participating countries in the fields of science, technology and innovation, including through the creation of collaborative networks and joint funding calls.
The themes of the project are bioeconomy and food safety, information and communication technology in responding to societal challenges, biodiversity and climate change, energy and health. The network includes, for instance, the Research Council of Finland’s partners CNPq (Brazil) and CONICYT (Chile).
The Research Council has participated in two joint calls within the EU-CELAC Platform (ERANet-LAC) in the fields of biodiversity, sustainable energy and ICT research in humanities and social sciences.