Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe (JPI Climate)
The Joint Programming Initiative "Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe" (JPI Climate) was launched in 2011. The aim of the initiative is to gather the participating European countries to jointly coordinate climate research and fund new transnational, strategically important research initiatives. The second Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (2016–2025) (SRIA), which guides the implementation of JPI Climate, was published in 2016. Finland has been a member from the beginning. The Research Council of Finland represents Finland in the JPI Climate Governing Board.
JPI Climate has opened six transnational joint calls between 2013 and 2019. The Research Council of Finland’s Finnish Research Programme on Climate Change (FICCA) participated in 2013 in the ‘Call for Transnational Collaborative Research Projects’ (€750,000). Nine consortia were funded, and two of these included a Finnish subproject. One of the subprojects acted as consortium PI. The Research Council’s Scientific Council for Culture and Society participated in 2019 in the Call ‘Enabling Societal Transformation in the Face of Climate Change’ (700 000€). Seven consortia were funded, and three of these included a Finnish subproject.