
The Research Council of Finland has an agreement with two Brazilian research funding organisations: the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq, agreement since 2008) and the São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP, agreement since 2012). The objective of both agreements is to foster high-quality and mutually beneficial research funding cooperation. By granting funding to joint research projects, the aim is to support long-term research cooperation between Finnish and Brazilian research teams and to promote researcher mobility. The Research Council has opened five joint calls with its Brazilian partners.

Nowadays, the Research Council collaborates with Brazil mainly through multilateral, EU-based networks between funding agencies. In 2013–2017, the Research Council participated in ERANet-LAC (Network of the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean Countries on Joint Innovation and Research Activities), a project under the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme. As the EU funding has ended, the project continues under the name EU-CELAC Platform. The Research Council also participates in the Trans-Atlantic Platform for the Social Sciences and Humanities (T-AP), which was funded from 2013 to 2016 under the EU Seventh Framework Programme.

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