Researcher and Patient – Better Health through Interaction
Annual Seminary of Academy Programme Health from Science
The Academy Programme Health from Science (TERVA) opened a call for research funding in 2020. The international peer-review panel that evaluated the applications reported that “user involvement perspectives could generally be strengthened with participation in various aspects and tasks – from study design to evaluation panels and reference groups.”
Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) is a topic in the international health research field that is growing in importance. Many agencies funding health research request researchers to consider patient and customer perspectives already when planning their research, because a patient-centred approach may facilitate the focusing of public research funding on questions that are the most relevant from a patient’s perspective and for translating research results “from bench to bedside”. Ethical arguments are also frequently presented in this discussion.
The TERVA programme will arrange an open online seminar on this topic on Monday 31 May 2021 at 10.00–12.00. The seminar is intended for anyone interested in health research, researchers as well as research supporters and end-users.
The keynote introduction, Patient and Public Involvement in Health Research, Why and How?, will be given by Professor Mogens Hørder (University of Southern Denmark, Board Member of EU Joint Programming Initiative Neurodegenerative Disease Research, JPND) in English. The rest of the programme will be in Finnish. The programme and other information are available on the Finnish-language event page.
The Health from Science (TERVA) Academy Programme is aimed at encouraging Finnish researchers to seek bold, new research initiatives that can solve health issues related to major public health diseases. The programme supports high-risk research designs where the risks are motivated in terms of potentially significant effects on the promotion of public health, involving open-minded approaches at the frontiers of knowledge. Apart from science renewal and high impact, the programme also aims at fostering new kinds of collaborations between funding agencies and foundations that support health research. The foundations involved in the programme are the Finnish Brain Foundation, the Cancer Foundation, the Finnish Medical Foundation and the Foundation for Paediatric Research.
More information
- Sara Illman, Programme Manager, tel. +358 295 335 119
- Heikki Vilen, Programme Manager, tel. +358 295 335 135
- Tiina Neuvonen, Coordinator, tel. +358 295 335 076
Our email addresses are in the format firstname.lastname(at)