Funding boost from Research Council of Finland fuels international research cooperation in high-performance computing

18 Dec 2023

The Research Council of Finland has selected 14 research projects for funding within a scheme that supports international collaboration in high-performance computing. The total funding comes to almost 7.2 million euros and covers the years 2024–2026.

The funding will support the use of EuroHPC’s high-performance computing resources and the LUMI supercomputer in fields represented by Finnish Flagships. The aim is to support the development of a diverse future computing ecosystem and the expansion of computing expertise into new sectors at both national and international level.

The funded projects focus in particular on computational science and computational data analysis. Funding was also awarded to projects in areas such as computer science, physics, fluid and plasma physics, geophysics and geochemistry, biochemistry, pharmaceuticals, polymers and biomaterials. In addition, the funding will support the use of high-performance computing in research on wood and paper materials, nanoscience and nanotechnology, remote sensing, climate research, air and atmospheric sciences and applied mathematics.

The special funding by the Research Council of Finland is based on Finland’s strategic international partnerships with US and Japanese partners in areas such as digitalisation, artificial intelligence, sustainable development and the green economy. The aim of the partnerships is to develop international research excellence and new technologies, and to create jobs and competitiveness.

The Flagship Programme Subcommittee at the Research Council of Finland decided the funded projects based on an international review. The projects are of a high scientific quality and will promote the renewal and diversity of science, the quality of research as well as scientific and societal impact.

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