66 applications submitted to research infrastructure roadmap call

24 May 2024

The first call stage of roadmap call for national research infrastructures 2025–2028 closed on Wednesday 15 May 2024. The Research Council of Finland received 66 applications by the set deadline.

Next, the review panel will assess the scientific relevance, versatile impact and operational maturity of the applicant research infrastructures. Applications with a rating of 5 and 6 will go through to the second stage and to the Research Council’s scientific councils.

Contrary to the previously announced schedule, representatives of lighthouse infrastructure candidates will be invited for interviews in January 2025. The interviews have been scheduled for 16–17 January 2025. The Finnish Research Infrastructure Committee (FIRI Committee) will select the lighthouse infrastructures based on the possible interview and the criteria set for lighthouses.

The FIRI Committee will make the roadmap selections, the funding decisions and the lighthouse selections in December 2024 and January 2025.

Inquiries and more information

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