Call for applications for membership in international research infrastructures to open in May 2024

3 May 2024

The Research Council of Finland is set to open a call for applications for membership in international research infrastructures. The call offers Finnish research organisations the opportunity to apply for membership in new international research infrastructures with members at national level.

On a proposal from the Finnish Research Infrastructure Committee, the Board of the Research Council of Finland has decided on a long-term plan for research infrastructures until 2030 (PDF). The main objectives of the plan are linked to the Research Council of Finland’s strategy, which aims to open up new avenues for excellent, responsible and high-impact research. It presents a vision that excellent research infrastructures are the foundation of high-impact research, development and innovation.

Based on the plan, the FIRI Committee opens roadmap and funding calls and, together with other actors, develops national and international research infrastructure activities in the coming years.

Memberships in international research infrastructures give the Finnish science and business communities access to research infrastructure services that could not be provided by national means only. International research infrastructures are also a platform for international collaboration in research, development and innovation and a means to advance cooperation and engage in science diplomacy between countries. Becoming a member is always a strategic decision.

The aim of this call is to assess the benefits of the membership for Finnish RDI actors and, on that basis, to make decisions on possible membership recommendations and membership fees.

The role of the FIRI Committee in the development of international research infrastructure activities includes the following tasks:

  • give recommendations on Finland’s memberships to relevant ministries, which, if they so decide, will refer the matter to Parliament
  • commit to covering international membership fees for a maximum on five years at a time
  • finance the development of national research infrastructure activities through competitive funding calls
  • monitor the progress of and the benefits of investments in memberships and funded research infrastructure projects.

The call will open on 16 May and close on 5 June 2024. The decisions are due in early 2025.

Inquiries and more information

  • The call text will be published during the week starting on 6 May.
  • Primary email address:
  • Merja Särkioja, Senior Science Adviser, tel. +358 295 335 111
  • Marjut Kaukolehto, Science Adviser, tel. +358 295 335 169
  • Juhokalle Pekkala, Science Adviser, tel. +358 295 335 050

Our email addresses are in the format firstname.lastname(at)

Research Council of Finland
Vesa Varpula, Communications Specialist
tel. +358 295 335 131

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