Funding for researcher mobility available from Research Council of Finland

20 Aug 2024

The Research Council of Finland’s calls for researcher mobility applications open on 21 August 2024. The closing date for applications is 25 September 2024. The application periods for German and Japanese counterparts close in early September. More details are available in the call texts.

The funding for inviting researchers from Ukraine to Finland supports researchers at risk whose work in Ukraine has been prevented by Russia’s attack, which started in 2022. The invitee may be a person who has already arrived in or will be coming to Finland from Ukraine. The funding covers the researcher’s mobility costs (necessary travel and living expenses) during the research to be carried out in Finland.

The funding for bilateral mobility cooperation with Japan, Germany or Mainland China promotes the international interactions of Finnish researchers as well as the internationalisation of Finnish research environments. The funding is intended to support project cooperation between Finnish and foreign researchers, in practice for the travel and living expenses of Finnish researchers or research team members abroad.

The mobility grant from Finland to Japan (JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship) provides researchers with funding for their mobility from Finland to Japan. The funding comes in the form of a personal grant.

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