Research Council of Finland announces new organisational structure

27 Aug 2024

The organisation of the Research Council of Finland’s Administration Office is being restructured. The reform will modernise, simplify and clarify the organisational structure and the management system. The new organisation will become operational as of 1 September 2024.

The aim of the reorganisation is to strengthen the Research Council of Finland’s ability to implement its strategy and the changes the strategy requires, and to improve the cost-effectiveness and adaptability of operations.

The aim is further to strengthen the overall steering and management of the Research Council, enable more long-term planning of funding instruments and strengthen the monitoring and evaluation of the impact of funded research. The revamped organisation will promote knowledge-based management and data utilisation to support operational planning and science policy advocacy.

RCF President Paula Eerola said: “The need for this change is driven by expectations of both RCF funding and expertise. In line with the RDI funding act and the Government Programme, the amount of research funding channelled through us will increase significantly. At the same time, there are increasing demands for monitoring impact, accountability and efficiency. Our new organisational structure and the change in organisational culture that goes with it will meet these expectations.”

New organisation

The new organisation consists of three units: the Operations Management Unit, the Funding Opportunities Unit and the Impact and Science Policy Unit.

The Operations Management Unit is responsible for developing the operations management process, providing the necessary services, internal audit, and risk and quality management, etc. Emilia Katajajuuri has been appointed Executive Director of Operations Management.

The Funding Opportunities Unit is responsible for the funding award process, customer service, review of applications and the preparation, presentation and implementation of funding decisions. Jussi Vauhkonen is assuming the role of Executive Director of Funding Opportunities.

The Impact and Science Policy Unit’s tasks include promoting, monitoring and evaluating the impact of funded projects, data production and analysis, international cooperation, communication and advocacy. The Unit will be headed by Executive Director Floora Ruokonen.

Inquiries and more information

Research Council of Finland Communications
Riitta Tirronen, Director of Communications
tel. +358 295 335 118

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