Pre-announcement: RCF call to support international cooperation in high-performance computing coming in spring 2025

31 Jan 2025

The Research Council of Finland (RCF) is planning to launch a call for applications related to international cooperation in high-performance computing. The call will be part of the RCF’s spring 2025 call.

The aim of the funding is to support the development of a versatile future computing ecosystem and the expansion of computing expertise into new sectors at both national and international level. The funding is designed to promote scientific renewal and diversity, and strengthen the quality of research and scientific impact as well as impact beyond academia.

The funding will support international collaboration that makes use of EuroHPC’s high-performance computing resources together with partners from EuroHPC’s countries in Europe (incl. the UK). The research can also utilise the LUMI supercomputer in collaboration with researchers in the following states, organisations or countries: US states of Texas and Colorado, US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Japan and Canada. The funding is not intended for coordination or planning of collaborations.

Funding will be granted for three years starting on 1 January 2026. Funding is available for individual research teams and consortia of two or more teams. The details of the call will be announced in the call text to be published in March 2025.

Press release corrected on 24 Feb 2025: EuroHPC cooperation was clarified and Canada added as a LUMI collaborator.


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