Address and telephone
Hakaniemenranta 6
PO Box 131
FI-00531 Helsinki
Telephone: +358 295 335 000
Registrar’s Office: +358 295 335 049
Office hours: weekdays 8.00–16.15
This information does not apply to payment requests for research funding. For guidelines on how our research funding is paid, see the page How the funding is paid.
The Research Council of Finland accepts invoices as e-invoices only. We also accept electronic appendices to invoices. Please convert all appendices into PDF format. Invoices sent by email will not be accepted, as they are not e-invoices.
If you do not have access to accounting software with an e-invoice feature, you can use the online e-invoicing service provided by the Finnish government.
Research Council of Finland's e-invoicing address:
- Research Council of Finland e-invoicing address/EDI ID: 003702458939
Posti Messaging Oy - FI28768767 - Research Council of Finland business ID: 0245893-9
- VAT ID: FI02458939
NB! The EDI ID above must not be used in payment requests for Research Council of Finland research funding.
Unless otherwise agreed, the due date of invoices for procurement of supplies and services shall be 21 days as per the General Terms of Public Procurement issued by the Finnish Ministry of Finance.
Each invoice must clearly indicate the group or person at the Research Council of Finland who is in charge of the procurement, so that the invoice can be addressed correctly.