Call for applications for Research Council of Finland Proof of Concept Funding 2024

8 May 2024
11 Jun 2024 at 16.15 Finnish time
up to 10 million euros
1 Jan 2025–31 Dec 2026
  • 300,000 euros per individual project, 450,000 euros per consortium
  • applied for by PIs of Academy Projects that have ended or will end between 1 Jan 2023 and 31 Dec 2024
  • intended for utilising research results and outputs produced in Academy Projects funded by the Research Council of Finland

The Research Council of Finland’s Proof of Concept Funding is intended for demonstrating the feasibility of ideas on how to utilise research results of projects funded by the Research Council and for strengthening the versatile utilisation of research results based on these ideas.

The funding can be applied for by researchers (principal investigators) who have received Academy Project funding, including the 2018 Academy Project Funding for early-career researchers, and whose project has ended in 2023 or will end in 2024.

At the core of the Research Council of Finland’s activities is to provide funding for excellent scientific research. The research is also expected to be scientifically and socially high-impact and responsible.

Before you fill in your application in the online services (SARA), carefully read the call text and the funding terms and conditions. If the call text and the funding terms and conditions conflict, the terms and conditions should always be considered primary.

If the translated English or Swedish version of the call text is in conflict with the Finnish call text, the Finnish version should always be considered primary.

Read the full call text on this page.

Do you have questions or feedback for us?