FIRI: Research infrastructures as collaborative platforms

11 August 2020
2 September 2020 at 16.15 Finnish time
EUR 20 million
1 July 2020–30 Nov 2021 (starts retroactively)

This funding call has closed. Please note that the Academy’s new website was launched on 6 October 2020. Some links in this call text may therefore not work. If you have questions about the call, get in touch with the call’s contact persons.

  • recommended minimum limit for Academy contribution in an individual application is EUR 200,000; recommended minimum limit for Academy contribution to consortium subproject is EUR 100,000 and EUR 600,000 for the whole consortium
  • applied for by individual research organisation or consortium of research organisations; organisation’s management representatives issue commitment of site of research in the online services

According to the National Roadmap for Research, Development and Innovation, the building blocks of Finland’s competitiveness and wellbeing are strong competence, research and innovation. Finland’s rise from the emergency caused by the pandemic and success in global competition require the generation of new knowledge, innovations that bring social benefits and added value, and a high level of competence.

In order to strengthen, broaden and increase the effectiveness of the competence spearhead, research and the networks that utilise it must be grouped into larger competence centres and ecosystems. Supported by the Finnish Government’s fourth supplementary budget for 2020, the Academy of Finland will advance this goal with its Finnish Flagship Programme, research infrastructure funding and funding for RDI partnership networks.

The aim of the present call (Research infrastructures as collaborative platforms) is to strengthen and develop the wide and diverse usability of research infrastructures and to support the establishment of competence centres. Through the call, the Academy of Finland seeks to support the development of research infrastructures, carried out in cooperation with the business sector, with the aim of creating a platform where research, education and innovation can intersect and evolve.

The call also implements the objectives set in the Strategy for National Research Infrastructures in Finland 2020–2030.

Prior and demonstrated cooperation between the applicant and at least one business partner is a requirement for being granted funding. The cooperation may also involve other actors.

Before you fill in the application in the online services (SARA), carefully read the call text and the ‘Read more’ section, especially the funding terms and conditions.

If the call text and the funding terms and conditions conflict, the terms and conditions should always be considered primary. If the translated English or Swedish version of the call text is in conflict with the Finnish call text, the Finnish version should always be considered primary.

Read the full call text on this page. Click on the link below to print the text or save it in PDF format.

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