Research, Development and Innovation Programme ICT 2023: thematic calls 2020

1 April 2020
12 May 2020 at 16.15 Finnish time
EUR 9 million in total under 2 themes
1 January 2021-31 December 2023
  • Total funding some EUR 9 million under two themes
  • Applied by: individual research team or consortium

The research, development and innovation programme ICT 2023 is jointly coordinated and funded by the Academy of Finland and Business Finland with a view to further improving Finland’s scientific expertise in computer science and promoting the extensive application of ICT. The programme is based on the report ‘21 Paths to a Frictionless Finland’ by the ICT 2015 Working Group.

At least 10 million euros of the Academy’s budget authority for 2020 will be used to implement the ICT 2023 programme.

Business Finland will not open a parallel call for business-related projects, but funding is available under this topic through Business Finland’s normal application process (see Business Finland, Funding services).

The principal investigator (PI) of the proposed project must be a researcher with a doctoral degree or at the professor or docent level (adjunct professor). The funding can be applied for by individual research teams or consortia composed of two or several research teams.

The April 2020 ICT 2023 call includes two themes:

  • ICT Technologies for the Digital Transformation of Industry
  • New ICT Solutions for Space Industry and Sectors Utilising Space-Based Data.

The call’s funding budget has been set at a total of 9 million euros.

At the core of the Academy of Finland’s activities is to provide funding to excellent scientific research. Research funded by the Academy of Finland is expected to have high scientific and social impact. The results of Academy-funded projects must be made public and they must be produced following good scientific practice. In other words, the research must be ethical, follow the principles of sustainable development and make its results, material and data openly accessible. Equality and non-discrimination must also be considered.

Before you fill in your application in the online services (SARA), carefully read the call text and the ‘Read more’ section, especially the funding terms and conditions. If the call text and the funding terms and conditions conflict, the terms and conditions should always be considered primary. If the translated English or Swedish version of the call text is in conflict with the Finnish call text, the Finnish version should always be considered primary.

Read the full call text on this page. Click on the link below to print the text or save it in PDF format.

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