Click on the links to the language versions to open the PDF version of the call text.
- Strategic research programmes En | Fi
- September 2018 call (10 Sep–1 Oct): En | Fi | Sv
- What's new in the September call 2018?
- Supplement to September call: academy project funding for early-career researchers (pdf)
- Flagship Programme call (4–20 Jun): En
- April 2018 call (1 Mar–25 Apr): En | Fi | Sv
- Supplementary call for Keys to Sustainable Growth SRC programme (3–25 Apr): En | Fi | Sv
- SRC programme call (1 Dec 2016–11 Jan 2017): En | Fi | Sv
Competitive funding to strengthen university research profiles (26 Oct–16 Nov): En| Fi | Sv Application tables (xls)
September 2016 call (1–28 Sep): En | Fi | Sv September 2016 call: what's new?
- SRC programmes, call for letters of intent (5 Nov–9 Dec): En | Fi | Sv
- Competitive funding to strengthen university research profiles (26 Oct–12 Nov): En | Fi | Sv
- September 2015 call (1–30 Sep, incl. stategic research call): En | Fi | Sv
- April 2015 call (7–29 Apr): En | Fi | Sv
- Competitive funding to strengthen university research profiles (12–29 Jan): En | Fi | Sv
- Extra call (19 Nov–18 Dec): En | Fi | Sv
- September 2013 call (2–25 Sep): En | Fi | Sv
- April 2013 call (2–24 Apr): En | Fi | Sv
- September 2012 call (3–26 Sep): En | Fi | Sv
- April 2012 call (2‒25 Apr): En | Fi | Sv
- Martti Ahtisaari Academy Professorship 2013‒2017, call for letters of intent (27 Feb‒26 Mar): En | Fi
All documents are PDF unless otherwise noted.