2025 Funding for research into sustainable energy solutions of the future

2 Apr 2025
7 May 2025 at 16.15 Finnish time
Total funding budget €10m
1 Jan 2026–31 Dec 2029
  • targeted at research consortia with a view to strengthening sustainable energy solutions that support a wide range of scientific and societal impact
  • applied for by consortia composed of two or more teams representing at least two different research fields and at least two different organisations
  • up to 1 million euros for four-year project and up to 500,000 euros for individual subproject

The present call is focused on a holistic and systemic approach to renewable and emission-free energy solutions (electricity, heating and cooling, fuels). Increasing our carbon handprint is at the heart of future solutions.

The funding is targeted at consortia of research teams representing at least two fields of research. Applications should also identify the relevant knowledge users for the project and their roles.

The call’s total funding budget is 10 million euros, with which the RCF is preparing one-off funding for 10 consortium projects of up to 1 million euros each.

The aim of the call is to support advanced energy research and broad impact by funding multidisciplinary consortium projects.

The call is part of the RCF’s Climate-Synergy Academy Programme. The projects to be funded will be obliged to participate in joint programme activities. The call also supports cooperation and networking between the parallel energy programmes of the RCF and Business Finland.

Before you fill in your application in the online services (SARA), carefully read the call text and the funding terms and conditions.

If the call text is in conflict with the funding terms and conditions, the terms and conditions should always be considered primary. If the translated English or Swedish version of the call text is in conflict with the Finnish call text, the Finnish version should always be considered primary.

Read the full call text on this page.

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