Second funding period (2025–2028) for SRC programmes SHIELD and YOUNG (invited applicants only)

5 Mar 2025
9 Apr 2025 at 16.15 Finnish time
1 Oct 2025–30 Sep 2028
  • for consortia funded in SRC programmes SHIELD and YOUNG in 2022
  • For the second funding period, a consortium can apply for up to 70% of the first period’s award for work under the original research and interaction plan.

This call text applies to two calls for invited applicants. The calls are targeted at consortia funded in the SRC programmes SHIELD and YOUNG, which were launched in 2022. The consortia can apply for continued funding for the second funding period.

Each consortium shall submit its application in the Research Council of Finland’s online services to its own programme’s call:

  • SRC programme Security and Trust in the Age of Algorithms (SHIELD), call for invited applicants 2025–2028
  • SRC programme Children and Young People – Healthy, Thriving and Capable Makers of the Future (YOUNG), call for invited applicants 2025–2028

Before you fill in your application in the online services (SARA), carefully read the call text and the funding terms and conditions.

If the call text is in conflict with the funding terms and conditions, the terms and conditions should always be considered primary. If the translated English or Swedish version of the call text is in conflict with the Finnish call text, the Finnish version should always be considered primary.

Do you have questions or feedback for us?