Merits and capabilities in Academy Professorship

The Academy Professor funding scheme is aimed at internationally recognised high-quality researchers whose research contributes to scientific renewal, aims for scientific breakthroughs, and seeks solutions for the benefit of society.

Applicants are expected to:

  • be internationally recognised, high-quality researchers (with evidence in CV and publication list) who can reach the international top in their field during the Academy Professorship funding period
  • strengthen the quality of research within their disciplines in Finland
  • be able to make wide and versatile impact during and after the funding period
  • have concrete plans for active, top-level research even after the funding period.

The review of applications for Academy Professorship is focused on the applicant’s ability to achieve the above objectives.

The Research Council of Finland’s review criteria are in line with the principles of responsible science and responsible researcher evaluation. This means, for example, that applicants should not give journal rankings, journal impact factors or citation metrics (e.g., h-index) in their applications. Please read also Review principles for code of conduct for review.

Fill in your merits and capabilities on our template (word, LaTeX).

The narrative must not exceed one page. The instructions and structure provided must be followed to ensure the equal treatment of applicants. See the How-to guides for the online services on our website for the technical instructions.

The narrative is submitted as a PDF appendix on the tab ‘Merits and capabilities’ in the online services.

Content of description

The ‘Merits and capabilities’ appendix is essentially a narrative CV designed to allow the applicants to describe their interests, motivation and future plans. The narrative CV complements your separate full CV. The description should focus on the personal international research career with as many concrete examples as possible.

When writing the narrative, consider, for example, how

  • international collaboration and networking
  • major international funding
  • sharing of data
  • development of methodologies and theories
  • academic leadership experience
  • various expert positions
  • promotion of scientific and societal impact

will affect your capability to reach the international forefront in your field during the Academy Professorship funding period.

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