Structure of research plan – mobility grant

This structure of the research plan applies to applications for mobility funding concerning personal travel grants to Japan, Taiwan or Russia.

Fill in the research plan in the Academy’s online services on the tab ‘Research plan’. Read the call text carefully before you start writing the plan. Also, familiarise yourself with the review guidelines and review form. Please note that the research plan cannot be submitted as a separate PDF appendix.

The maximum length of the research plan is five pages. The font is Source Sans Pro (font size 12 pt, line spacing 1.15 and margins 20 mm). All bibliographic references must be added directly into the text, for example as follows: (Author(s) Year or [number]). You cannot use footnotes. The list of references (no more than 1 page) does not count towards the length of the research plan.

Fill in the sections of the plan where applicable and according the practices of your own discipline.

See the How-to guides for the online services on our website for the technical instructions.

1. Presentation of research project and mobility plan, specification of funding

1.1 Description of the research for which you are applying for mobility funding

  • How the project and the methods used are linked to previous international and/or national research (state of the art)
  • Research-based starting points and possible preliminary research
  • Aims and objectives
  • Schedule for implementation
  • Expected research results and their anticipated scientific impact, potential for scientific breakthroughs and for the renewal of science and research

1.2 Description of research data and material and research methods

  • Research data to be used, taking into account issues such as intellectual property rights
  • Research methods and how they will contribute to answering the research questions or confirming the hypotheses, or how they will support the chosen approach
  • Possible issues related to research ethics

1.3 Mobility plan

  • Planned mobility periods (e.g. 3 weeks in summer 2022) abroad. Also describe the main objective of each visit. Enter visits also on the tab ‘Mobility’ in the online services.
  • Provide separate justifications if you are applying for funding for a period exceeding twelve months.

1.4 Specification of funding

  • Outline how the research funding for the project has been organised (source and amount). Please note that the Academy’s mobility funding is not intended for research costs or salaries, but for travel and living expenses incurred during visits abroad.
  • Describe what other grants or salaries you will receive during the mobility period.
  • Itemise the funding applied for from the Academy: how many trips are you planning to make during the funding period, what is the share of travel expenses, what is the share of living expenses and on what the amounts applied for are based (e.g. Academy’s grant table, your organisation’s travel guidelines, or your own experiences of the local prices).

2. Applicant’s merits and research environment

2.1 Describe the tasks and roles and key project-relevant merits of the following persons:

  • applicant
  • foreign collaborator – this information should also be entered on the tab ‘Collaborators’.

2.2 Research environment

  • Local, national and/or international research environment, incl. research infrastructures. Enter the infrastructures to be used also on the tab ‘Affiliations’ in the online services.


3. Participation of early-career researchers, increased international cooperation or other special benefits

3.1 Justify how the project addresses the special objectives of the mobility call.

  • Describe how the project promotes researcher training and/or research careers.
  • Describe how the project strengthens scientific cooperation between the countries.
  • Describe how the project promotes the international interaction of Finnish researchers and the internationalisation of research environments.

3.2 Added value of collaboration

  • Is the mobility cooperation new or does it continue previous cooperation? If it continues previous cooperation, please tell us how long it has been going on and briefly describe the previous results.
  • Contents of research, research methods and equipment, etc.
  • Importance of project for attainment of research objectives, etc.

3.3 Justify possible other added value.

  • Scientific, industrial or social applicability of results (IPR)
  • Knowledge transfer (e.g. collaboration between junior and senior researchers)
  • Sustainability and broad impact

4. References

  • List of all of the sources used in the research plan
  • The list (no more than 1 page) does not count towards the length of the research plan.
  • Please note that the text type, font size and line spacing of the list are the same as elsewhere in the research plan.

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