How do we submit the cost coefficients to the RCF?
A representative designated by the concerned research organisation, who has administrator access to the RCF online services (SARA), can enter and update the cost coefficients of the site of research in the system. There is no need to send the information elsewhere separately. The coefficients used in the funding decision are those in force at closing date of the call, not the latest coefficients.
The coefficients cannot be “updated” to newer ones if the application is processed a second time, for example in the context of an application to change the funding decision. An exception is when there is a change of site of research, in which case the coefficients can be updated.
See instructions on the features in the online services available to organisation representatives (PDF, in Finnish only).
Use of funding
How do I know if the funding decision is subject to any special conditions (e.g. early payment)?
For information on any special conditions, please refer to the decision notice and its section on special conditions. The decision notice is available in the online services.
How closely must the funding recipient monitor/comply with the annual instalments indicated in the funding decision?
On an annual basis, the funding should be used in accordance with the cost estimate in the decision. However, the annual instalments are non-binding (i.e. you can spend more or less than the amount indicated in the original plan), as long as the money is used for activities in line with the research or action plan.
The final amount in euros indicated in the decision can be used until the end of the funding period.
Do I have to apply for a change of annual instalments?
No, changes in annual instalments do not require a separate application.
If the annual instalments deviate significantly from the decision’s cost estimate during the funding period, the PI must notify this deviation without delay in the RCF’s online services under My applications > Decided > Additional information. This applies retroactively to previous RCF funding decisions.
Are costs incurred outside the funding period eligible?
No. Costs incurred before the project has started or after project completion will not be accepted. However, the invoice may be dated after the funding period, provided that the cost has accrued on an accruals basis during the project.
For instance: An analysis of samples has been carried out during the funding period, but the service provider invoices the site of research for the analysis after the end of the funding period. In this case, the invoice can be accepted as part of the project costs and included in the application for payment submitted to the RCF.
In which cases must I apply for a change to the funding decision?
For a list of situations that require an application to change the funding decision, see How to use funding. More detailed instructions on how to apply for a change can be found in Appendix 1 of the decision notice: Instructions on how to apply for changes to funding decisions.
Contact us primarily via our helpdesk.
Can the euro amounts for the type of expenditure (salaries, equipment, travel) be modified from what they were in the original funding application? For example, if I need more money for travel and less for equipment.
The types of expenditure are non-binding, i.e. changes that support the implementation of the research and interaction plan are eligible.
Changes in the types of expenditure do not need to be reported, but significant deviations in the use of funding (annual budget in euros) should be reported via the online services (under the project’s additional information). When providing additional information: briefly state the reason, the amount in euros and the percentage.
Can the project’s funding be used to pay the PI’s salary?
Yes, with certain restrictions. Read more in our funding terms and conditions. The terms and conditions that apply to your funding decision are available in the online services in connection with the decision.
I handle invoicing on behalf of an organisation that is new client to the Research Council of Finland. Where do I get instructions on how to make my first payment request?
Advice to new clients is provided by the Finance Group, including preparing the organisation’s electronic form/application for payment. Contact us via the helpdesk (Payment applications or invoicing).
I have received a grant of more than €1,000,000 from the Research Council of Finland. Does it need to be audited? What if I am part of a consortium whose total grant exceeds 1,000,000 euros, but my share of the total is less than 1,000,000 euros?
An audit must be carried out in both cases described above. Guidance for each funding scheme can be found in the funding terms and conditions sent with the funding decision.
The site of research shall submit to the RCF the auditor’s report on the use of research funding in the project. If the funding has been granted to a consortium, each funded consortium party shall submit an auditor’s report on the funding it has received.