
Media and Society Academy Programme Call 2018 (8 M €)

  • Deportation in a mediated society: Economies of affect in the aftermath of the refugee reception crisis (DEMESO)
    Karina Horsti, University of Jyväskylä

  • Flows of power - media as site and agent of politics (FLOPO)
    Anu Koivunen, Tampere University
    Eetu Mäkelä, University of Helsinki

  • Echo Chambers, Experts and Activists: Networks of Mediated Political Communication (ECANET)
    Risto Kunelius, Tampere University
    Tuomas Ylä-Anttila, University of Helsinki
    Mikko Kivelä, Aalto University
  • Whirl of Knowledge: Cultural Populism in Polarized European Politics and Societies (WhiKnow)
    Emilia Palonen, University of Helsinki

  • Communication rights in the age of digital disruption (CoRDi)
    Esa Reunanen, Tampere University
    Juha Herkman, University of Helsinki

  • Post-Digital Epistemologies of the Photographic Image (PEPI): Photographic Truth Following the Digitalisation of the Media Landscape.
    Janne Seppänen, Tampere University
    Jukka Häkkinen, University of Helsinki
    Mika Elo, University of the Arts Helsinki

  • Emotions in Online Digital Media (EMODIM)
    Veikko Surakka, Tampere University
    Thomas Olsson, Tampere University

  • Automated trolling and fake news generation in future social media: Computational and empirical investigations of the threat and its implications
    Antti Salovaara, Aalto University

  • #Agents- Young People’s Agency in Social Media
    Terhi-Anna Wilska, University of Jyväskylä
    Katariina Salmela-Aro, University of Helsinki
    Aki-Mauri Huhtinen, National Defence University
    Vilma Luoma-aho, University of Jyväskylä

  • Mediating expertise and scientific knowledge in public debates on health (MEX)
    Esa Väliverronen, University of Helsinki
    Piia Jallinoja,  Tampere University
    Hanna Nohynek, National Institute for Health and Welfare

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