Funding from EU Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF)
The Next Generation EU recovery instrument supports a speedy recovery for people, the EU economy and society from the Covid-19 crisis. The instrument includes a 750 billion euro recovery fund for EU member states. The recovery package is divided into seven parts, of which the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) is the largest. The RRF includes 672.5 billion in funding for EU member states.
The RRF team of the Research Council organised an information session on 15 January 2025 for RRF-funded projects on RRF reporting, programme evaluation, and supporting research impact. A recording of this session and its presentation are now available on the event page.
Each member state must present a national Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) in order to receive RRF funding. The Council of the European Union formally approved Finland’s plan in autumn 2021. Finland’s RRP forms part of the Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland. The programme supports growth that is ecologically, socially and economically sustainable.
The Research Council of Finland supports the implementation of Finland’s Recovery and Resilience Plan with funding to promote the dual digital and green transition. In 2021, the Research Council's RRF-based funding amounted to 45 million euros. Another 45 million euros was awarded from the 2022 and 2023 RRF-based budget.
Business Finland works with the Research Council of Finland to implement the Recovery and Resilience Plan. Read more about Business Finland’s funding for building and developing infrastructures that support leading technologies and sustainable growth and digitalisation as well as the partnership model funding for companies and research organisations.
See below for more information on research infrastructures and research projects we support.
The RRF programme of the Research Council of Finland has been provided with communication materials intended for the use of RRF-funded projects. The materials take into account the general obligation of the recipients of EU funding to indicate the origin of the funding and ensure the visibility of the funding received from the EU.
The RRF brochure and video highlight how the RRF programme and its projects contribute to the implementation of EU priorities.
Materials published in the Material Bank are freely available for RRF-funded projects. You can use the RRF Powerpoint template and the RRF programme’s Powerpoint brochure or only some slides from it in your own presentations.
At present, the materials are in Finnish only.
The video showcasing the RRF programme is available both in the material bank and on YouTube. RRF-funded projects can freely use the video. for example on screens at on-site, hybrid and online events.
- RRF materials, Material Bank (presentation template, brochure, video, currently in Finnish only)
- Research Council of Finland on YouTube (RRF video, currently in Finnish only)
- Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland (Finnish Government website)
- Finland’s Recovery and Resilience Plan (Ministry of Finance website)
- Sustainable Growth Programme in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
- Business Finland and the Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland
- NextGenerationEU – Recovery plan for Europe (European Commission website)
- Research infrastructures (Research Council of Finland