Our science policy objectives
Promoting open science is one of the factors identified in the Research Council of Finland's strategy contributing to the renewal, quality and societal impact of science. The Research Council’s objectives concerning open science and their implementation are based on the strategy and its execution.
Our open science activities are implemented in requirements to make research outputs resulting from research projects funded by the Research Council open access. Our goal is to make the outputs produced and used in research and their metadata quickly and widely available for reuse.
Promoting open science is one of the scientific policy factors we have identified as a criterion for our funding decisions. When deciding on the granting of funding, our decision-making bodies take into account the manner in which the publication plan presented in the application is implemented in support of open access as well as the section on the management and accessibility of research data. The Research Council’s policies on open access to scientific publications have been divided into sections according to the different types of publications and the various ways in which they are made open access.
Implementing the goals of open science is also a key element in responsible research. The principles of open science must be pursued with due attention to good scientific practice and law. The promotion of open science and research is part of the merits that demonstrate researchers’ expertise, which are taken into account in the review of funding applications.
We implement our science policy objectives together with national and international stakeholders. As regards open science, the most important declarations and policies of this cooperation are:
- the Declaration for Open Science and Research (Finland) 2020–2025, prepared by the Open Science Coordination under the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies, and the policies and recommendations related to the Declaration
- the Research Council’s participation in cOAlition S, an international initiative by research funders to make full and immediate Open Access to research publications a reality
- the Research Council’s participation in the activities of Science Europe that advance the principles and practices of open science.