SRC matching funds for EU projects
The Strategic Research Council (SRC) at the Research Council of Finland granted national matching funds to EU-funded projects between 2015 and 2021, provided that the projects were in line with the themes and priorities defined by the Finnish Government as well as the SRC’s programme structure. The SRC allocated its national matching funds to projects that had received funding under the Societal Challenges priority of Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.
Horizon 2020 has ended, and therefore as of 2022 the SRC will no longer grant matching funds. The end of the matching funds scheme will not affect funding decisions made earlier. Read more: Strategic Research Council discontinues EU matching funds
The aim of SRC matching funds, which were granted to sites of research, was to encourage research organisations to participate in preparing projects for upcoming EU funding calls. Projects that have received SRC matching funds must therefore in their final reports include a qualitative description of how the funds have influenced and contributed to international collaboration.