Guidelines and forms for reviewers

The guidelines for reviewers include practical guidelines for experts who review funding applications submitted to the Research Council of Finland. The review forms show the review questions used in each funding instrument. Applicants should also read the guidelines and forms when preparing their applications.

The guidelines aim to ensure the quality and accountability of the review process and to streamline the work of the reviewers.

We are committed to the principles of responsible evaluation (PDF) and follow them in all our application guidelines and scientific review criteria and in the practical guidance for review panels.

The review guidelines and forms are continuously improved on the basis of changes to funding schemes or review practices and with the help of feedback we receive.

As our review process is based on international peer review, the review guidelines are entirely in English.

Learn more about responsible researcher evaluation.

Review forms for winter call 2024

Instructions for reviewers, winter call 2024:

Strategic research calls 2024:

Instructions for reviewers:

Application forms:

Other review forms 2024:

Other instructions for reviewers 2024:

Review forms for April 2023 call:

Instructions for reviewers April 2023 call:

Other review forms 2023:

Other instructions for reviewers 2023:

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